
Hi, welcome to EMU666 👋

This is an online emulator website that allows you to run various classic retro games on the web platform without downloading and installing them.

The original intention of creating this website was to help more people remember these classic games. In that golden age, although game developers were limited by hardware performance and couldn't create beautiful graphics, they put more effort into the games themselves. Exciting storylines, unique gameplay, moving music, and rich details made these games soulful. At that time, game development was more out of love for games rather than extreme profit motives. These games are our memories and our treasures 🎁.

Table of Contents

User Information

Phone Number
Invitation Link
Number of Invited

Q & A

  • Q: Is the website free?
    A: Running the website incurs costs, but currently, all features of the website are free to access. If you like this website, please share it to support us!

  • Q: Why does the website require login?
    A: One reason is for the website's security, and another is to provide future user-based features, such as cloud saving and cloud collections. We will never disclose your personal information.

  • Q: What if I can't find a game?
    A: If you can't find a game you want to play, you can send an email to nekocode.cn@gmail.com to let us know, and we will add it as soon as possible.

Development Plan

This website is currently a hobby project and is in a relatively early stage. To make the website better and more known, the website creator has formulated a series of development plans:

  • The first stage mainly focuses on providing better basic functions and experience, including performance optimization, adding games, adding emulators, etc.
    The user number target for this stage is 10K []

  • The second stage mainly focuses on a more complete "online" experience, including cloud save, online multiplayer gaming.
    The user number target for this stage is 30K []

  • The third stage will mainly revolve around the "community", providing more social features and more content besides the games themselves, such as guides, videos, etc.

  • ......

  • The ultimate goal is to build a globally renowned "retro game community".

Recent Changes

Changes on 2024-09-07

  • Added support for cloud save
  • Added cheat function


This project is developed based on the following open-source projects:

  • Libretro: An API for game emulators
  • Emscripten: A tool for compiling C/C++ code into WebAssembly